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World Biodiversity Day, celebrated each year on May 22, is a key occasion to reflect on the importance of biological diversity to our lives and the health of our planet.

White Cat passionately embraces the values of biodiversity and sustainability. 

We firmly believe that protecting and promoting biological diversity are not only environmental responsibilities, but also key elements in ensuring an authentic and rejuvenating experience for anyone who chooses to stay at our facilities.

Why Biodiversity is Fundamental to Us

  1. Love for Nature and the Territory: Our mission is to offer our guests genuine contact with nature. Protecting biodiversity means preserving the beauty and richness of the landscapes that surround us, ensuring that they can be enjoyed today and for future generations.
  2. Quality of Life and Well-Being: An environment rich in biodiversity contributes to the health and well-being of individuals. Healthy ecosystems improve the quality of air, water and food, providing an ideal environment for relaxation and regeneration.
  3. Unique and Authentic Experiences: Biodiversity is at the heart of the experiences we offer. Nature hikes, wildlife sightings and tastings of local products are only possible because of the biological richness of our area.
  4. Ethical and Social Commitment: We believe it is our duty to contribute to the preservation of the environment. By supporting biodiversity, we not only protect nature, but also promote sustainable practices that respect and enhance local communities.

We invite all our guests to join us in this effort. Every small gesture counts: whether it's participating in an educational hike, choosing sustainable products, or simply respecting nature during your stay. Together, we can make a difference.

At White Cat, we are proud to uphold these values and share this mission with our guests. By choosing to stay with us, you will not only have an unforgettable experience, but also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Thank you for being part of this adventure. Together, we can protect and celebrate the wonderful diversity of our planet.

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