Gatto Bianco, a business choice
If you already have a non-hotel accommodation business or are wondering how to start a business in this sector, you will certainly have asked yourself a few questions.
- How do I run an OTC (Travel Online Agency)?
- How can I set room rates while maximising occupancy and price if I am not an experienced Revenue Manager?
- How do I set up a structure consistent with the needs of customers, national or international, business or leisure, without spending crazy amounts of money?
In short, how do I avoid falling victim to my business? Gatto Bianco Hotels & Guest House is the answer for you!
Gatto Bianco is a company that has made kindness, professionalism and service excellence its greatest boast.
Our idea stems from an entrepreneurial system rooted in Switzerland, borrowing its rigorous processes and combining them with the all-Italian sensitivity of hospitality.
If you too would like to be part of Gatto Bianco Hotels & Guest House network, fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.